Monday, May 30, 2011

First Post!

Hello Everyone!

So hopefully, this blog will be more successful than my last one... but I figure that now since I am all graduated from college and whatnot, this might be the best way to keep you all up to date on my traversings around Uganda.

This is what I know so far: I'll be teaching in Jinja, Uganda with the Holy Cross Overseas Lay Ministry Program, and I won't find out what grade or subject until I get there, but it sounds like the greatest need is for 6th grade teaching English and Math. Uh oh. I haven't taken math since high school, and my English speaking ability is... well... humorous, I suppose. I'm gonna call this one of those "open to growth" moves. Thank you Jesuit. I'll be heading over there with 3 other people my age: two boys who graduated from ND with me, and a girl who also just graduated, from St. Mary's. There are also two guys already over there who will be there for our first 4 months with us, all living in the same house, in intentional community. I'm really excited for it!

Anyways, I just created this blog now so that I could send it out to all of you, friends, family, teachers, advisors, mentors, my section (a lot of you fall under multiple of these titles) most likely on an email since my ND email account is expiring. I figure this is the best way to do it.

If you're reading this, you are probably someone who has profoundly affected my life, whether you know it or not, and I would really like to say thank you. I know that I could not have gotten through all of my education thus far and graduated college without the help and support of so many incredibly individuals, and to you, I am incredibly grateful. So thank you, a million times, thank you. Hopefully I will get the chance to thank all or at least most of you in person at some point or another.

Oh, and please, when I'm over in Uganda, comment often. I am going to feel really strange posting to this webpage, so if I know people are reading it, I'll keep it up and not feel too awkward about it! Plus I want to know all about your lives, so if you want to send me updates on you to facebook or my email or whatever, I'd love to hear from you! So thanks for that in advance!
